
Showing posts from July, 2019


I love waffles. I love  them. Adore them. Whoever decided to pour batter on a gridded iron? Genius. Deserves a Nobel Peace Prize just for bringing something wonderful to the world. This summer I've been making waffles just for the sake of it since I'm home and we have a waffle iron. I received it as a gift from my grandma quite a long time ago - at least ten years ago, crazy! It makes two square waffles at a time and it's not hard to clean, being nonstick and all, so I've been making them quite often. It's 250% worth it to get up just a liiiiiiil bit earlier to whip up waffle batter from scratch. It's simple too, and takes me only around 15 minutes to throw together. Honestly, the longest part is waiting for each "batch" to cook; my iron takes about 5 minutes for each, give or take, however long it takes for the iron to stop releasing steam. But boy HOWDY are those a wonderfully fragrant 5 minutes. The smell is so lovely. I especially love light,...